Three nails – one for each wrist and the other for the feet. This is part of the cruelty of the crucifixion as the Romans found ways to display their ‘criminals’ before the world to see. Only, Pontius Pilate figured that this Jesus was innocent of the charges against Him. He tried to have Him freed, after all. And yet, that wasn’t our Heavenly Father’s purpose in this whole event.

Yet the three nails, one for each person of the Holy Trinity, is also a reflection of that purpose – that it was God’s Triune will that Jesus should die – for us and for our salvation.

On this day, we pray: “Behold the life-giving cross on which was hung the salvation of the world // O Come, let us worship Him.”

What an awesome mystery to behold, that God Himself – in His Triune purpose – and in His incarnate manifestation for us in Jesus – breathes His last to give us Life!

This Gift is for you! In the person of Jesus Christ. In waters of our Baptism. In His Holy Word. In the Sacrament of His Body and Blood. In the bosom of the Church – which is nothing less that the gathered forgiven mercy-filled saints – whom Jesus our Good Shepherd has gathered out of the four corners of the cosmos – to give us Life!

Let the deadening silence of this moment, this day, fill you with His peace. Amen.