Peter’s words here are good for us to take to heart as we look forward to getting out of quarantine and isolation. Our experiences shape the way in which we look at life. It is far to easy for fear and anxiety to get in the way of living that fullness of life – expressed in both our faith toward God but also in the social life of our Communities. With God’s grace – and staying ‘plugged in’ through worship, Scripture Reading, and the Sacramental life of the Church – our Heavenly Father does give us His Holy Spirit to help us let go of our self-styled ways of building our identities and then leads us to grow up in that new Life in Christ day by day.

As we get ready to lift restrictions – as Provincial authorities direct – let’s heed Peter’s words and give the Holy Spirit room to work in our lives as He leads us back into community – gathering together as the Body of Christ – the Church!